Can we recite Durood Shareef in periods?


Can We Recite Durood Shareef During Menstruation? Navigating Islamic Guidelines and Personal Devotion

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Within the tapestry of Islamic practices, Durood Sharif, the recitation of blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), holds a special place. It's more than just words; it's an act of devotion, a bridge connecting hearts to the divine, and a source of spiritual nourishment. But for women navigating the natural cycle of menstruation, a question arises: Can we recite Durood Shareef during periods?

Understanding the Context:

Menstruation, known as haidh in Arabic, is a natural biological process experienced by women. During this time, there are specific guidelines in Islam regarding religious practices, including prayer, fasting, and recitation of the Quran. These guidelines are rooted in the concept of ritual purity (tahara), which emphasizes cleanliness and respect for sacred rituals.

Scholarly Opinions:

On the question of reciting Darood Sharif during menstruation, there are varying opinions among Islamic scholars. Some scholars hold the view that it is permissible for women to recite Durood Shareef during their periods, as it does not involve any physical contact with the Quran or making wudu (ablution). They emphasize the importance of continuous remembrance of God and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), even during times of physical impurity.

Other scholars, however, advise women to refrain from reciting Durood Shareef during menstruation, citing the same principles of ritual purity. They suggest that women can instead focus on other forms of dhikr (remembrance of God), such as reciting tasbeeh (counting of God's names) or supplications (dua).

Navigating Personal Devotion:

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to recite Durood Shareef during menstruation lies with the individual woman. It's important to consider the opinions of respected scholars, while also honoring one's own level of comfort and understanding of Islamic principles.

Respecting Personal Boundaries:

It's crucial to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect for women's personal choices and experiences. Judgment or coercion should never be a part of this discussion. Instead, it's essential to foster a supportive environment where women feel empowered to make informed decisions based on their individual circumstances and beliefs.

Seeking Knowledge and Guidance:

For women seeking further clarity, consulting with trusted Islamic scholars or knowledgeable individuals can be immensely helpful. They can provide personalized guidance and insights based on the specific context and the woman's understanding of religious principles.


The recitation of Durood Shareef is a beautiful and rewarding practice that brings immense spiritual benefits. While there are varying opinions among scholars regarding its recitation during menstruation, women are encouraged to approach this matter with understanding, respect for personal boundaries, and a willingness to seek knowledge and guidance. Ultimately, the decision lies with the individual woman, guided by her faith, conscience, and the advice of trusted sources.



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